Start up by Experience

e*star stands for the full range of energy trading. We offer far reaching Software as a Service solutions to answer the individual needs of your company.

e*star enables companies to trade directly with all market participants and increases reach and liquidity - for your trading success.

Behind our performance promise is a special story. At e*star we know the needs and questions of energy traders very well. Under the roof of Exxeta we analyzed, discussed and solved them for 20 years.
We learned that pure, static technology is not enough: that’s why we offer future proof and scalable software components. And we also know that the stability of the technology partner is an essential business asset for our customers.


We decided to focus on these reliable software solutions for our clients: by founding e*star. e*star combines the dynamism of a start-up with the trust in an experienced partner of the industry - a synergy that pays off for your energy trading.


What can we do for you?

Write us and learn about the scalability of our SaaS technology. We are looking forward to your challenge.