Advantage as a Service
Empowering Traders
You have individual requests? We will be happy to answer them: with versatile modules and personal support we customize our SaaS Solutions to the needs of your energy business.
>> Flexibility as a service
Versatile Elements. One Aim: An individual answer to the different needs of energy traders. Our modules have been used for years by companies with very different requirements. Mature software solutions that can be combined as needed.
Market Trading
Market Trading
The multi-market trading application consolidates various native exchanges and broker frontends into a unified application and enhances them with cross-market and cross-exchange trading functions.
Our sales trading platform for energy trading provides quotes to your customers to bring the market to them. Adjust prices, risk limits and customer relations as you need. Integrate the e*star Web Trader into your existing customer portals without requiring extra installations and provide them with your branded view.
Market Access
Market Access
Use an internal trading platform to structure your market access. Bring Asset Optimizers, Portfolio Manager and Algos together and align their route to the market. Choose specific teams or desks to reduce costs, manage exposure and channel all requests through designated teams.
Trading Solutions
Trading Solutions
Use algorithms on the various markets to support your traders with better tools for their daily business (assisted trading), automate regular tasks (automated trading) or develop your own strategic algos (algorithmic trading).
Support your trading activities by capturing all critical data for analysis, audits, regulation and reporting. Receive all the data either aggregated or as data ticks.
Data Portal
Data Portal
The e*star Live Data Portal provides you with a quick and easy overview of all relevant market developments. Market data can be displayed directly in the browser for your analysts and dispatchers in real-time without installation. Fast, secure and transparent.
>> Customization as a service
SaaS as individual as your company. Benefit from advantages that are made just for you.
Safe and reliable trading on different exchanges simultaneously - in an optimized individual frontend. Embedded functions such as trade automation, market making, quotation or implied prices ensure easy access.The solution integrates easily into any existing system landscape.
Smart Trade Automation and Algorithmic Trading
Customised automation: with e*star own algorithms can be developed and easily integrated into the internal market. Stay ahead of the competition with our algo trading capabilities. e*star enables definition of implied prices, the use of hidden Iceberg and hidden orders. Multi-market targeting ensures the best prices.
Set up internal market access for clients or operate market making thanks to our quotation function - both externally and internally. e*star offers all the tools for this - from a fully-fledged trading frontend for in-house traders to a streamlined web trader frontend for clients.
the Market Access
the Market Access
With geographically distributed trading landscapes and multiple trading venues, it is easy to lose the overview. e*star provides structure: organise trading activities via the internal market or act as a central unit on external markets. We help to increase the degree of trading automation and to structure established trading processes in line with the times.
>>Talent as a service
Let’s unleash your potential together. Our employees understand the needs of energy traders from their own experience. They are driven by perfect implementation in existing ecosystems. This may make them a bit nerdy, but at the same time they are really there for your concerns on a very personal level. We do not believe in "hit and run“ but in "hit and fit“. Together with you we set up a target-oriented process.
Immediate project launch
Adapting customer requirements at short notice
Licenses and products are adjusted on demand
Hardware resources adjusted to requirements, whenever they change
Not necessary to integrate components in own IT Infrastructure and Support
Monitoring, backups and availability reporting of all components
Trading unlocked
Complex trading processes automated, simple and efficient. e*star provides cutting edge solutions for traders. We support businesses in developing own algotrading strategies and offer front office and sales trading from a single source. Our technology is scalable to all requirements and automates complex trading processes - for profitable energy trading.
Structured trading
Use our internal market and benefit from synergy potentials
Trading in the cloud
Trade anytime and anywhere - with our cloud trading solutions
Sophisticated frontend
Efficiency through a powerful multi-market and multi-commodity trading environment: one login, one frontend - multiple trading venues
Smart algorithm landscapes
Pursue individual trading strategies with the help of our algo trading interface
Synthetic order types
Benefit from advanced order types such as hidden iceberg or synthetic orders
To put it briefly:
Our technology
is your advantage.
Our technology
is your advantage.
Trading is up to you:
You have your own way of doing business? Perfect: Let’s have a look what our software can do for you.