Client centric culture
Everyone talks about client-experience and -centricity. With all the talk of Client Journey, Persona, Net Promoter Score, Client Effort Score, User ...
Everyone talks about client-experience and -centricity. With all the talk of Client Journey, Persona, Net Promoter Score, Client Effort Score, User Experience, Empathy Maps, Client Centricity and Design Thinking, it could spin your head quickly. As the market for software is more or less saturated and competitive, creating a business that puts clients first is crucial. Client power should not be underestimated, as clients won't hesitate to stop supporting your business if they don't feel valued. Therefore, it's crucial to create a client-centric culture.
The term "client centricity" describes a fundamental change in perspective - from focusing on companies and their offerings to a consistent focus on clients/consumers and their needs. Client-centric companies focus on the requirements and painpoints of their clients and work from there, aligned with their target group. A client-centric approach thus affects all areas of a company and significantly influences the corporate culture.
Client Centricity focuses on clients and their needs. Only if companies truly understand their client's needs and problems, their behaviours and preferences are known, than companies can act in a client-centric way. Certain data enables companies to operate in a client-oriented manner and is therefore of great importance. To this end, it is necessary to define the relevant target groups, describe personas, systematize the touchpoints and identify the clients' pain points along the journey.
The market is complex and subject to rapid and sometimes drastic changes. Therefore, companies must constantly keep an eye on the needs of clients and partners to react quickly and purposefully to changes. Accordingly, it is vital to build up competence and collect, interpret and use the right data to align products, services, and internal processes.
Clients are real and not columns of numbers when closing a deal. No matter how hard companies try, their directions to innovation often don't reach the top line in the sustained, profitable way investors hope. For multiple companies, there's a difference between what's on their roadmap and the market's expectations for growth. With this understanding, it is possible to make the future of your client relationships shapeable rather than just predictable. Therefore, at the core of every innovation process should also be a deep understanding of future technologies, supporting a broad overview of the market, fewer surprises - and the timing for decisive technological tailwind.
At e*star, we work with our clients and partners to achieve sustainable product and service innovation. We develop products and services for and with traders, keeping their needs in mind and understanding their motivation. On all occasions, e*star works with clients and partners collaboratively, capturing ideas and clients/market insights to evaluate and develop into something – a product, service or process improvement that generates a positive business benefit. How does this work? Well: The way you want 😉
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